Friday, May 15, 2015

Vanadium (III) bromide

Vanadium (III) bromide (in English: Vanadium (III) bromide), also known as the Tri-Methyl vanadium, VBr3. In the case - solid, these polymeric species as

vanadium eight triangular facets surrounded by six to Egndat bromide.
Vanadium (III) bromide attended by addressing the acid chloride vanadium quartet Alheidroberumik.
2 VCl4 + 8 HBr → 2 VBr3 + 8 HCl + Br2

Crop interaction through the methyl vanadium quartet unstable, VBr4, which called bromine at room temperature. [1]

Such as vanadium triple chloride, Vanadium (III) bromide, forms complexes red - brown dissolves in dual and quad-methoxy ethanol Hedrovuoran THF, such as mer-VBr3 (THF) 3. [2]

Preparing an aqueous solution of Vanadium (III) bromide, which contains salt in the body Trans [VBr2 (H2O) 4] +. These solutions give the evaporation of salt in the body Trans [VBr2 (H2O) 4] Br.

Preparing an aqueous solution of Vanadium (III) bromide, which contains salt in the body Trans [VBr2 (H2O) 4] +. These solutions give the evaporation of salt in the body Trans [VBr2 (H2O) 4] Br
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